

If you are passionate about science and dream of becoming an educator who ignites a love for STEM fields in future generations, OBU的科学教育课程是为你量身定做的. We are dedicated to thoroughly equipping you with the 知识 and skills needed to inspire young minds as you impart essential scientific 知识. With access to our in-house planetarium, your training will be enriched with fascinating insights. Our program offers a diverse range of science courses that provide a solid foundation of 知识, ensuring you are fully prepared to teach in the classroom and inspire others in the field of science. Join us on this exciting journey to make a positive impact in the world through the wonders of science and education.



“OBU prepared me by teaching the subjects I would eventually demonstrate to my students. I have drawn from many of the science classes I took while at OBU, and the education classes gave me many resources to use as I grow in my career. OBU also introduced a professor to me whom I aspire to be like in the classroom. The energy and activities he brought to the classroom I try to model in my own room.”



Our secondary science education graduates consistently rank in the top tier with a 100% passing rate on their certification exams. 这些新的教育工作者在公共场所教书, 私人, 或者全州的传统高中, 这个国家, 在某些情况下,还包括全球. 随着他们在职业上的成长, 我们的一些毕业生在商界寻求机会, 学校管理和高等教育. Many secondary science education graduates continue to graduate school to get their master’s or doctorate.


同时通过讲座和实验室环境进行学习, you will enjoy a small environment with 100% of your instruction taught by professors, 不是研究生或助教. 教师也会作为你的学术和职业顾问, which allows them to be more engaged with your personal and academic success. Their roles as science professors extend even greater as they provide one-on-one mentoring helping you to reach your fullest potential as an individual and as a student.


The courses within the education program focus on learning the content, 知识, and dispositions of an effective educator through hands-on and engaging instruction, alongside practical field experiences in the public school classroom. OBU’s teacher education program partners with districts all over the state, nation, and world.  


OBU提供 每年最低1万美元奖学金 致每一位新生 给每个转学生八千美元. 你可能有资格获得更多的经济援助! 我们的许多学生也通过联邦政府获得资金 佩尔助学金和OBU野牛助学金.

To get an estimate of what your cost to attend OBU might be, please check out our 净价计算器. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with how affordable an OBU education really is. 尤其是考虑到令人难以置信的学术质量, 个人导师与教职员工的关系, 以及你在OBU将体验到的强烈的基督教信仰. 你在其他任何地方都找不到这样的经历!


PLTW (Project Lead Way)奖学金和STEM (Science, 技术, 工程和数学)重点

我们大学举办 OBU STEM日 annually showcasing the many majors on campus that incorporate STEM skills. Students and faculty provide live demonstrations and instruction in various labs and classrooms using diverse equipment for the benefit of all who attend.

作为STEM事业的支持者, OBU has entered an agreement with Project Lead the Way to begin the fall semester of 2024. 通过本协议, OBU将提供每年1美元,000 scholarship to students who have completed at least two PLTW courses during their high school years. This applies to PLTW students who enroll in any area of study at OBU.


OBU为您提供先进和设备齐全的实验室. 作为一名学生, you are provided with many opportunities to use the equipment to enhance your hands-on training. Those learning settings include our cadaver lab, cell culture facilities, greenhouse and planetarium.  除了, OBU undergraduate students (not graduate mentors or research assistants) are able to use a fluorescence microscope, 实时PCR机, 傅里叶变换红外光谱仪, nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer and atomic absorption spectrometer. 


OBU的科学课程是以基督教的世界观来教授的. 它以基督为中心,在科学上是合理的, supporting truth through the integration of faith and 知识 in all classes, thereby cultivating a deep appreciation and sense of responsibility for creation. OBU science professors serve as personal role models and mentors, 支持你的智力和精神发展, and instill a solid foundation of faith and biblical perspective through their instruction and personal lives.


The School of 教育 is nationally accredited through CAEP, 教育准备认证委员会. 除了, each licensure area is accredited through the state of Oklahoma. Graduates from our program are eligible to teach locally, nationally, and internationally.


One of the many noted strengths of becoming an educator through OBU is the amount of field experience/practicum time that is provided across the four years of the degree program. You will be asked to complete between 85 –120 hours of observation and practicum experiences in local schools prior to student teaching. 实地经验能让你辅导孩子, teach small groups and whole classes and practice differentiation and classroom management.


Field experiences culminate in a 14-week internship of student teaching during your senior year. Efforts are made to pair you with your school of preference within 50 miles of OBU.


Our OBU graduates in secondary science education are teaching all over the state of Oklahoma, 而少数人在州外从事教学工作. Graduates receive jobs in both public and 私人 educational settings, and many continue on to graduate school to attain their masters and doctorate degrees.

  • 基督教遗产学院
  • 米克公立学校
  • 俄克拉荷马城社区学院的途径中学




OBU faculty are experts in their fields and will be with you every step of the way.

Dr. 伊丽莎白正义

Dr. 伊丽莎白正义

劳伦斯C. 马里昂·哈里斯担任教育主席

Dr. 珍妮类似

Dr. 珍妮类似

玛丽一个. 怀特教育教授




Dr. 女伯爵埃德加

Dr. 女伯爵埃德加


Dr. 阿尔伯特·陈

Dr. 阿尔伯特·陈


Dr. 布拉德利杰特

Dr. 布拉德利杰特

詹姆斯E. Hurley生物学教授

Dr. 迈克尔乔丹

Dr. 迈克尔乔丹


Dr. 内森只是

Dr. 内森只是


Dr. 帕特里克·马什

Dr. 帕特里克·马什


Dr. 伊冯Mbote

Dr. 伊冯Mbote


Dr. 戴尔的一个. Utt小.

Dr. 戴尔的一个. Utt小.


Dr. 托尼·耶茨

Dr. 托尼·耶茨
